As of Thursday, March 8th I got banned off of the Cedar Craft servers. I was banned for grieving and stealing from a guild even though, Miss_destiny said my friend EternalBow was welcome to anything, so naturally we took what we found interesting and of use out of the PUBLIC chests. As for the griefing, I do apologize for the minor amount we did. We thought it was humorous at the time, but I do see my wrong doing in the act.
I realize I am not entitled to a second chance, but I am asking that you please give me one.
I would be more than happy to return all taken items upon returning to the server, and offer my sincerest apology to those I took them from.
Truly, Klay13
I realize I am not entitled to a second chance, but I am asking that you please give me one.
I would be more than happy to return all taken items upon returning to the server, and offer my sincerest apology to those I took them from.
Truly, Klay13